Cheshire Activities: Recreation, Artsplace, Pool and Youth Services
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Therapeutic Recreation: Tennis Register View Cart

Tennis Racket and Balls
Learn the basics of tennis - all skill levels welcome! Depending on their level (beginner/advanced), players will be taught how to hit, return and simple rules of play. Get out, get moving and have fun on the tennis courts!

Therapeutic Recreation LogoTherapeutic Recreation programs are designed for participants with various special needs. The activities are presented so that participants will be able to understand, become involved and enjoy recreation experiences. A strong emphasis on social skills is included. Participants must have safe behavior, be able to follow simple instructions, stay with a small group and be independent with toileting and feeding.

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TR Tennis Spring 2025 
35665 A
8y - 199y N/A Th  05/01/2025 - 06/05/2025
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Youth Center - Tennis Courts
$80.00 Res, $90.00 Non-Res
Instructor: Marcie Hayden
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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