Cheshire Activities: Recreation, Artsplace, Pool and Youth Services
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Community Garden Register View Cart

image of orange flower with bumble bee
Now accepting names for the Community Garden Waitlist!

The Community Garden is located in the northeast corner of Bartlem Park behind the playground. It is a wonderful place to grow your favorite foods and/or flowers. Plots measure 20'x20'. There is a storage shed for you to store your tools and water outlets are provided. Gardening will begin mid-May and go thru mid-October. At this time, all gardens are reserved for the gardeners from last year. A waitlist for new gardeners is being created. To be added to the waitlist you may register online or send in a registration form - no money is due when being placed on the waitlist. New gardeners will be assigned plots as they become available in the order they appear on the waitlist; payment will be due if you are assigned a garden plot.

Before adding your name to the waitlist, please consider the following rules that all gardeners must abide by:
* Plot is assigned in "as is" condition. Gardeners are responsible for their own plot preparation including tilling and fencing.
* Garden must be maintained within the assigned 20'x20' plot.
* Do not plant vines or climbers on fences between plots and do not let vines or other plants creep into walkways or neighboring gardens.
* No herbicides allowed. Organic pesticides may be used with extreme caution.
* Keep your plot neat and tidy throughout the season and keep the pathway adjacent to your plot tidy and clear of weeds and other overgrowth.
* Supervise children in the garden area and do not leave children unattended while you garden.
* If your garden plot becomes unkempt, the Parks & Rec. Dept. will notify you and allow you two weeks to clean it up. If it is not tidied, then it may be reassigned and you may lose your privilege to register for a plot next year.

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Community Garden 2025 
34219 A
N/A N/A SuMTuWThFSa  05/15/2025 - 10/15/2025
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM

Bartlem Park - Community Garden
$45.00 Res, $55.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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