Cheshire Activities: Recreation, Artsplace, Pool and Youth Services
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RAMS Football Home Game Pit Stop (Gr. 8 - 10)

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RAMS Football Game Night Pit Stop (Gr. 8 - 10)

Stop by the Yellow House before the home football game with your friends, hang out, watch TV or a movie, or play video and board games. Eat pizza, and stay until the game starts. Then walk over with your friends to the game at CHS with a warm cup of hot cocoa to go!

Friday Home Games
9/20 vs. Fitch
10/04 vs. No. Haven
10/25 vs. Hand
11/01 vs. Notre Dame

5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(Games start at CHS @ 7:00pm)

Cost: FREE (for yellow house & pizza)  
Pizza will be ordered at 5:45pm based on who is there at that time.
* * * Please send your child with money to get into the football game.

(Pizza & hot cocoa will be served, online registration encouraged to make sure we have enough food each game)

(please note: Yellow House staff will NOT be attending the game or chaperoning the kids that attend the "pit stop" - our staff will make sure they use the cross walk to get to CHS area safely. Parents are responsible for communicating with their children to make sure they are at the game as intended and to arrange an appropriate pick-up spot that is convenient for them after the game - the Yellow House will close at 8:00pm, no staff will be onsite after the game).


(please note: Yellow House staff will NOT be attending the game with them- we will make sure they use the cross walk to get to CHS area safely. Parents will need to arrange pick up after the game- our building will be closed)

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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