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Artsplace at Ball & Socket Arts
Artsplace at Ball & Socket Arts - Back Room
Artsplace at Ball & Socket Arts - Front Room
Artsplace at Ball & Socket Arts - Middle Room
Barker Character, Comic & Cartoon Museum
Bartlem Park
Bartlem Park - Band Shell
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Gazebo
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park D1 Big Diamond
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park D2 Skin infield
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park M2 Multi-Use Field (North)
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park M3 Multi-Use Field (South)
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park M5 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park M6 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Park M7 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Pavilion
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Skate Park
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Turf
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Turf - North Practice Field
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Turf - South Practice Field
Bartlem Park - Bartlem Walking Trail
Bartlem Park - Kids In Motion Playground
Bartlem Park - Kids In Motion Playground Pavilion
Bartlem Park - Parking Lot (Main)
Bartlem Park - Parking Lot (Rear)
Bergamo's Martial Arts
Brooksvale Lot
Brunswick Bowling Center
Cheshire Academy
Cheshire Park
Cheshire Park - Amphitheater
Cheshire Park - Basketball Court
Cheshire Park - Cheshire Park D2 ctr. fld. 60' with field lights
Cheshire Park - Cheshire Pk D1 ctr. fld 60'
Cheshire Park - Cheshire Pk D3 south fld. 60'
Cheshire Park - Cross Country Meet Trail
Cheshire Park - Goat Pasture
Cheshire Park - Parking Lot - North (near pavilion & pickleball/tennis courts)
Cheshire Park - Parking Lot - South (near playground & basketball court)
Cheshire Park - Pavilion
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (1-Near Left)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (2-Mid Left)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (3-Far Left)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (4-Far Right)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (5-Mid Right)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Court (6-Near Right)
Cheshire Park - Pickleball Courts
Cheshire Park - Tennis Court (1-Front Left)
Cheshire Park - Tennis Court (2-Back Left)
Cheshire Park - Tennis Court (3-Front Right)
Cheshire Park - Tennis Courts
Cheshire Park - Volleyball Court
Cheshire Public Library
Chris Cote's Top Tracer Range (125 Jude Lane, Southington)
CHS - Cafeteria
CHS - CHS Baseball Field: Varsity (CHS D3)
CHS - CHS Softball Field: Practice/JV (CHS D2)
CHS - CHS Softball Field: Varsity (CHS D1)
CHS - CHS Turf Field
CHS - East Gym
CHS - Field Hockey Practice/JV Field
CHS - Football Practice Field
CHS - Library
CHS - Lobby
CHS - Track
CHS - Weight Room
CHS - West Gym
CHS - West Gym Side A
CHS - West Gym Side B
Community Pool
Community Pool - Birthday Party
Community Pool - Parking Lot (Pool)
DeDominicis Property
Dodd Middle School - Cafeteria
Dodd Middle School - Dodd D1 upper fld. 60'
Dodd Middle School - Dodd D2 lower 60'
Dodd Middle School - Dodd Gym - Side A
Dodd Middle School - Dodd Gym - Side B
Dodd Middle School - Dodd Multi-Use Field Lower
Dodd Middle School - Gym
Dodd Middle School - Library
Dodd Middle School - Tennis Courts (Dodd/S. Rolling Acres)
Dog Park
Doolittle School - Doolittle Gym - Side A
Doolittle School - Doolittle Gym - Side B
Doolittle School - Room 40
Elim Park
Extreme Air Trampoline Park
Fenn Road Parking
Highland Bowl
Highland School - Highland Gym - Side A
Highland School - Highland Gym - Side B
Highland School - Room 53 (Art Room)
Hubbard Park
Leadership Martial Arts
Linear Park
Linear Park - Parking Lot (Jarvis)
Linear Park - Trail: Cornwall - N. Brooksvale
Linear Park - Trail: Jarvis - W. Main
Linear Park - Trail: N. Brooksvale - Hamden
Linear Park - Trail: Southington - Jarvis
Linear Park - Trail: W. Main - Cornwall
Lock 12 Park
Lock 12 Park - Pavilion
Lock 12 Park - Volleyball Court
M&T Bank Arena (QU Hockey Rink)
McNamara Legion
McNamara Legion - Basketball Court
McNamara Legion - McNamara D1 frt. lf. fld. 60'
McNamara Legion - McNamara D2 frt. rt. fld. 60'
McNamara Legion - McNamara D3 bk. lf. fld. 60'
McNamara Legion - McNamara D4 fld. 90'
McNamara Legion - Parking Lot
Mixville Rec. Area
Mixville Rec. Area - Basketball Court
Mixville Rec. Area - Large Pavilion
Mixville Rec. Area - Mixville Beach
Mixville Rec. Area - Mixville Multi-Use Field
Mixville Rec. Area - Mixville Pond
Mixville Rec. Area - Parking Lot
Mixville Rec. Area - Small Pavilion
Mixville Rec. Area - Volleyball Court
Norton Elementary School - Norton Gym - Side A
Norton Elementary School - Norton Gym - Side B
Phone Call
Quinnipiac Park
Quinnipiac Park - Parking Lot
Quinnipiac Park - Pavilion
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M1 Multi-Use Field (Center S)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M2 Multi-Use Field (Center C)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M3 Multi-Use Field (Back Left)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M4 Multi-Use Field (Back Right)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M5 Multi-Use Field (Center N)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M6 Multi-Use Field (Front Left)
Quinnipiac Park - Quinnipiac M7 Multi-Use Field (Front Right)
Quinnipiac Park - Rollerblading Rink
Safari Golf
Senor Panchos
Sergio's Pizza & Restaurant
Sessions Woods Wildlife Management Area
Tennis Courts at South Rolling Acres ("Dodd" Tennis Courts)
The Coder School
Yellow House
Youth Center
Youth Center - Basketball Court
Youth Center - Main Room
Youth Center - Tabor Room
Youth Center - Tennis Courts
Youth Center - Volleyball Court
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