Cheshire Activities: Recreation, Artsplace, Pool and Youth Services
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Bartlem Park - Bartlem Turf - South Practice Field


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Bartlem Park
Kids In Motion Playground
Bartlem Gazebo
Bartlem Pavilion
Bartlem Skate Park
Bartlem Walking Trail
Bartlem Park D1 Big Diamond
Bartlem Park D2 Skin infield
Bartlem Park M2 Multi-Use Field (North)
Bartlem Park M3 Multi-Use Field (South)
Bartlem Park M7 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Park M5 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Park M6 Multi-Use Field
Bartlem Turf
Band Shell
Bartlem Turf - North Practice Field
Bartlem Turf - South Practice Field

= Unavailable     = Available

Facility Area Information

520 South Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410

Phone: (203) 272-2743
Status: Open

Fee Schedule
Facility Use Request Application Process: Use of Town of Cheshire facilities is, at all times, subject to the sole discretion of the Town of Cheshire. Prior to using Town Facilities, a Facility Use Request must be submitted either by (1) submitting the request online at or (2) submitting the Facility Rental Application form provided by the Parks & Recreation Department. If the Facility Rental Application Form is utilized, it shall be emailed, mailed, or dropped off in person to the Parks and Rec Department. Payment is due upon approval. The purpose of the Town’s Facility Use policy and process, including the Facility Use Request process, is to establish a system for the equitable and orderly distribution of the Town of Cheshire facilities. Failure to comply with the Town’s Facility Use Request Application Process shall result, subject to the Town’s sole discretion, in ineligibility to use Town facilities. Once the Facility Use Request Form and accompanying documentation have been submitted, the Director of Recreation or designee will review the application and be in touch with the organization representative regarding status as soon as possible (typically 5 business days).
Allocation of Facilities and Fee Schedule: Facilities will be allocated in order of priority as defined below.
Priority 1: Town of Cheshire and Board of Education sponsored programs and events;
Priority 2:
  • Local 501c (3) organizations comprised of at least 80% Cheshire residents*;
  • Local recognized civic and service organizations;
  • Local recognized athletic or sports-affiliated groups;
Priority 3: Individuals and local 501c(3) organizations comprised of less than 80% Cheshire residents*;
Priority 4: For profit groups, non-local organizations, commercial groups and any other group not defined as Priority 1, 2 or 3.
* “80% Cheshire residents” is based on comparable season’s actual registrations not the projected percentage.
The Town of Cheshire expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make such changes, modifications or adjustments to the Facility Use Request Application Process as it deems necessary and appropriate.

FACILITY Priority 1 & 2 Priority 3 Priority 4
ONE FIELD/COURT No Fee $25/hour $75/hour
ONE FIELD/COURT WITH LIGHTS No Fee $40/hour $90/hour
BARTLEM PARK PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $150/day $150/day $150/day
CHESHIRE PARK PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $150/day $150/day $150/day
LOCK 12 PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $150/day $150/day $150/day
MIXVILLE PARK LARGE PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $300/day  $300/day $300/day
MIXVILLE PARK SMALL PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $150/day $150/day $150/day
QUINNIPIAC PARK PAVILION M-F: No Fee / Sat. & Sun.: $150/day $150/day $150/day
SCHOOL GYM (BUILDING SUPERVISOR FEE) $20/hour Available directly through BOE Available directly through BOE
Please note that additional charges for maintenance requests may be assessed based on event and Department Review.

Reservations & Activities

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